"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship doesn’t."
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Cedar Grove Missions responds out of love to Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. We do this through the deepening discipleship of every individual at Cedar Grove Church and the sending of those who have the Good News to the unreached who have never heard the gospel, both locally and globally, by establishing churches where He will be known, worshiped, and obeyed.

Active Missionaries

Kayla Chandler
Costa Rica
Kayla Chandler is a lifer at Cedar Grove ... she is also a missionary in Costa Rica, serving for more than ten years! Kayla is responsible for the administration and development of all short term missions programs in Costa Rica for the European organization Latin Link.
Her responsibilities includes liasing with team leaders, care of short term missionaries while in Costa Rica, making trip selections, trip preparations and debriefing of short term missionaries sent out from Costa Rica. This position allows her to combine many passions ... working with locals, loving on people, building relationships, and sharing the blessings from God. It is an incredible opportunity and she feels blessed!
Her responsibilities includes liasing with team leaders, care of short term missionaries while in Costa Rica, making trip selections, trip preparations and debriefing of short term missionaries sent out from Costa Rica. This position allows her to combine many passions ... working with locals, loving on people, building relationships, and sharing the blessings from God. It is an incredible opportunity and she feels blessed!

Cecilia Huezo
El Salvador
Cecilia has been serving our Lord for ten years in El Salvador. She started the El Ro-i Ministry centre in Tutultepeque to reach out to the surrounding poor community with the Gospel and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. The centre currently has these active ministries: Kindergarten (8 children currently); Homework club helps kids having a hard time studying on-line from home; Kids Ministry for 80 kids usually.
Serving the Kingdom and supporting missionaries
Join the Global Missions Team and help Cedar Grove do it's part to reach all nations with the gospel! Committed advocates/point-person/team member needed for blessing one of our missionaries or a missions outreaches (e.g. short term mission) - includes regular communication with, and prayer for, the missionary; communicating missionary needs back to the Global Missions Team; providing help when back in Canada.