The righteous will flourish like a palm tree
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”
Psalm 92:12-15
Who We Are
Our Vision
What We Do
Generational Ministries is a comprehensive grouping of programs focused on the second half of adult life. The programs offered are geared to suggested age levels, recognizing that individual health and energy may be large factors in determining where an individual wants to be involved. Specific ministries have been designed to meet needs either within an age group or that cross over all three.
Our vision is to seek the Lord, reach out to those who are not yet in the Kingdom, serve as “ministers” of the Lord, all the while caring for each other and getting together for the betterment of one another in genuine fellowship and relationship.
Our purpose is fellowship, caring and education for both the participants and those we seek to reach, while being attentive to opportunities to share our faith in Jesus in an informal manner. Our participants include homemakers, shift-workers, and those on sick leave or with physical disabilities, as well as active retirees.

Drop In Program
Every Thursday | 9:30 am - 1 pm
The weekly Drop-In Program is for all active adults among the congregation and in the community around us. Any adult who is available on Thursday mornings from September to June is welcome to attend. There is no charge. You are invited to drop-in when you are able to... “Come when you can, leave when you must.”
We have a number of options available in each session and can include Bible studies, carpet bowling, pickle ball, table games, jigsaw puzzles, knitting & crocheting, and seminars. Coffee & treats provided. You may bring your own lunch.
We have a number of options available in each session and can include Bible studies, carpet bowling, pickle ball, table games, jigsaw puzzles, knitting & crocheting, and seminars. Coffee & treats provided. You may bring your own lunch.
- 10:00 to 10:50 Fireside Room activities: puzzles, knitting, table talk, snacks, beverages
- 10:00 to 10:50 am Gym activities: Pickleball, carpet bowling
- 10:30 to 10:50 Library/resource sharing: Linda Norman
- 10:50 to 11:00 Welcome and prayer
- 11:00 am Short devotional, seminar, guest speakers or other special feature
- 12:00 pm Please feel free to bring a lunch and continue to enjoy your time with old and new friends around the tables
Admission by Donation
- 10:00 to 10:50 am Gym activities: Pickleball, carpet bowling
- 10:30 to 10:50 Library/resource sharing: Linda Norman
- 10:50 to 11:00 Welcome and prayer
- 11:00 am Short devotional, seminar, guest speakers or other special feature
- 12:00 pm Please feel free to bring a lunch and continue to enjoy your time with old and new friends around the tables
Admission by Donation
Questions about GenMin Seniors?
We would love to hear from you.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you.