Yugo Mission Team Introduction

U. B.
When I heard about this mission’s trip, I felt God put it on my heart, but I was in the middle of the process of a career change and was not able to go. But when the Lord disrupted my plan and things changed… I knew He wanted me to go.
The old saying when someone says “jump”, you say how high. But when God says “jump” you (me), need to give it everything we got and jump as high and as hard as we can.
He wants me to go, I don’t know the plans… BUT I’m about to find out soon.
Keep us in prayer and be there with us in spirit.
I would like to go to the YUGO missions trip because I have prayed about this and I think this is something God is calling me to do. I am excited to build a house for a family in need and building this also for the Lord. I love to help people out and I love to build stuff, building things gives me joy. I just want to be a vessel used by God. I am very excited to meet other people from a different country and a different language. I really want to be able to connect with other people going to this YUGO missions trip and grow closer as a family of God.
I want to go on this missions trip because I want to use the gifts that God has given me to serve others and do it as worship to God. We are called to serve others because that is what Jesus did wherever he went. I want to serve by being kind to those I meet. Use my strength to build a house for a family. And if I have the chance, use my skill of music to glorify God and lead others in worship. Throughout this year I have learned that I do the things I do as a response to what Jesus has done for us on the cross. So I want to use this opportunity to glorify and worship him. And along the way hopefully learn to be more like Christ. This is why and what I want to do on this missions trip to worship and glorify God.
By God’s grace, i have an opportunity to be a part of a team that is going to help build a home for a family in need and be used by the Lord to make an impact in young children’s lives through VBS. I find that being able to go into the world and share the love of God and His good news (Mark 16:15) by helping a family in need of the basic essentials and teach children about the love of God is exciting and would be a joyous and humbling experience.
I also get the privilege to do this together with my husband and our children, and to minister together as a family makes my heart full . Thank You, Jesus!
I’m excited to see and experience God working through me, my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ during this amazing opportunity. To God be the Glory!
I have received JESUS CHRIST'S unconditional GIFT OF LOVE & SALVATION ~ through the GOSPEL of HIS LIFE, DEATH & RESURRECTION. In response: i will "Love the Lord (my) God with all (my) heart and with all (my) soul and with all (my) might." MARK 12:30. I freely receive, i freely give.

I will Love and Serve HIM. In Psalm 100:2, it says to 'serve the Lord with gladness. ' Deuteronomy 10:12 says, 'Serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

What better way to Serve & Love HIM ~ is to Follow & Obey HIS WORD. It says in MARK 16:15. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

I know I’m very limited to what I can do physically due to my medical condition; but I have clinched & embraced MARK 12:30; regardless of how I feel & my physical limitations are. Also, as what they say "Action speaks louder than words." I hope by building a house for our brothers & Sisters in Mexico, it will plant seeds of faith to thirst for HIS GOSPEL and will lead to their SALVATION & continuous SANCTIFICATION Through CHRIST alone.

It is my deepest desire to Serve the Lord with my whole family. I TRUST IN CHRIST ALONE! "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord' (Joshua 24:15).
God is pulling me out of my comfort zone to go to Mexico and I am both humbled and excited to be part of the team from CG which will be used by Him to serve the people in Mexico.
Hello, my name is Daniel and I am taking part of the Yugo trip of 2024. This will be my first missions trip and my first time out of Canada. I chose to go on this trip to grow deep in a relationship with God and help spread His word if it’s in working in VBS or just talking with the community when there. I know it will be something new but stepping out of my comfort zone is something I need to do more. I can’t wait to go on the missions trips and work for the family in Mexico and work to serve my God.
I decided to go on this mission trip because I felt led by the Lord to spread God's love to the family for whom we are building a house, as well as to all of the children participating in the VBS. I want to be able to make it unforgettable not only for myself, but also for any children I might meet. The Lord placed it on my heart to make relationships in order to show others that God's love exists and never ends. Finally, I feel led by the Lord to embark on this trip in order to obtain a fresh perspective on life and use my summer to glorify God.
I chose to commit to YUGO missions to not only share God’s love and to serve those in need, but to also refine my character by practicing humility. As a teenage girl, it is so easy to be wrapped in teen hormones and privileged issues. Knowing this God was tugging at my heart to take this as an opportunity to broaden my perspective and to carry my cross and be more like Him. While I know asking for humility will bring more pain than joy on mu end, the impact of God’s love that will be left after this trip is what makes it worth while.
I'm looking forward to going on this missions trip because I feel the need to be taken out of the routine I have gotten accustomed to. I'm expecting to hear more from God being in a place where the normal distractions of life aren't present, while being surrounded by people who are also fired up to honor God by serving the community we will encounter. As much as we are helping a family over there, I believe there will be so much for me to learn from those we will be meeting and working alongside.
Hola! My name is Trenton. I'm joining the team in our mission of building houses and sharing God's love with the people of Ensenada, Mexico! I was previously a part of the Zambia Missions Team back in 2015. Ever since, I've longed to return to the missions field, and I've felt God's calling towards this YUGO team trip. I've seen firsthand the lives God can change and the miracles he can perform, even through broken vessels like ourselves. I'm excited to join in community with our brothers and sisters in Mexico and see what God has in store for us!
Hola! Soy Larissa… ok, I’ll stop the Spanish there. But in case you couldn’t tell: I am SO excited to be serving in Mexico this summer. Since teaching English there a handful of years ago, my heart has stayed there with those people. I am very ready to go back and to meet the family we will be helping, as well as the children, in that community. They are precious in God’s eyes and I know I will be greatly impacted by them and the culture there. Please pray for my eyes and heart to be open; may I be ready to receive the lessons God has for me.
I felt a calling to go on this mission trip because I felt it was a great opportunity to support and share my faith to a community in need. I get to go on this trip with my family and hopefully make a lasting impact on those over in Mexico and even those here at home. I am excited for the opportunity to engage with the children at the VBS portion of the mission, build relationships with them and divulge on their culture. I am also excited about the deeper connections built through the preparation of this mission trip with my community here at Cedar Grove and only hope to share that love and excitement with the community that is in need in Mexico.
When the opportunity of the Yugo mission trip arose, I saw an opportunity to continue to serve God and share His love to others and serve His people. I am excited to witness our living God and His will being laid out as our team comes together as a group, serve His people, and see the big and small lasting impacts in Mexico and here at Cedar Grove.
God put on my heart to join a missions team even though I didn’t think I was good enough, capable enough, or how it would all work out. Learning of YUGO Missions, I felt this was the one to start with and was at peace knowing that my God would make everything work out for His glory and that there was nothing that I needed to worry about.

For my profession, I am a teacher and it is my calling from God. I wondered how He was going to use me for a mission building a house. But when I heard of a VBS (Vacation Bible School) opportunity, I knew that God prepared a way for what's needed. I LOVE VBS, as it had such an impact on my life so many years ago. My hope is that the children will feel and know His love through this program.

I pray God uses me as His vessel to bring the Good News to the children in Mexico. The goal is to help and serve however I can and be His light on whatever path He puts me on. Praying and waiting on God for Him to equip me in using the gifts He has given me to join Him in what He is already doing.

1 Corinthians 12: 4-6
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

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