Prayer for our missionaries


Praise God for...
  • The Lord’s grace and everlasting mercy in our lives... He is good and everything He does is good. Praise the Lord
  • The VBS went really well, we had 80 something kids and we had a grand time with them. Thankful for the Lord’s guidance and help through it all. Each of them heard the gospel, pray for those seeds planted. So thankful for each of you!
  • Our brother Elias, it is over! He has been absolved of all legal allegations against him. We hope for no more surprises
  • Irena’s schooling. For our continue ministry here in El Salvador and all that the Lord is doing in us and through us
  • Rainy season! This has helped a great deal with the amount of dust we inhale for we live by the side of a main dirt road.
Pray for...
  • Our home assignment, flying out on June 6th and it looks like a very busy schedule so far. Please pray for safety in our travels to Canada and within Canada. Also, for the national team left behind, for the Lord’s wisdom and protection over them
  • Elias spiritual health. He comes from a very religious church. Pray that he would overcome all the keeps him from committing to the Lord and allowing the Lord to take the lead of his life... pray also for his health (broken leg is giving him trouble)
  • My health, the Lord’s healing and for no more outbreaks of this cancer on my skin. Pray also that I would keep a Christ centered mindset through all this. Sometimes is tough but God is good and He means good for those that love Him!
  • For the Home Building Team... for the Lord's provision as they continue to serve the Lord through this ministry.


  • For the Spirit of the Lord’s wisdom and peace during this time of transition.
  • For the strength and joy of the Lord as she cares for family in this season.
  • That the peace of God will overwhelm and guide her in this time of uncertainty.